Judy's Web Board — Profile

Name:  Judy
E-mail:  congresswatcher@yahoo.com
Location:  Chicago, IL
Birthday:  21 August, 1979
Bio:  I was born in Berwyn, IL and grew up at Maryville Academy in different locations around the Chicago metropolitan area. I learned to suvive despite the harshest circumstances whil in this situation because I was treated unfairly and with disregard. I learned from this that everyone regardless of background deserves to be listened to and have a voice. I also overcame many obstacles and learned that when one applies themselves anything can be achieved. I graduated from the public elementary and secondary school systems and went on to college ill prepared for the challenge. I have overcome this after transferring between colleges five times. I am a junior at DePaul Univesity and plan to graduate with my BA degree in Political Sciecnce in June 2007. Then I plan to attend law school. I am currently a member of the DePaul College Republicans. I spent one year as a cadet and one and one half years as a special student in the Air Force ROTC program where I learned the discipline that is helping me overcome my obstacles. While in this program I was a Cadet 1Lt. and Public Affiars Office in my Arnold Air Society Squadron. I also was a member of the Association of Air Force Missileers. I also have a wide range of political experience. I interned for Senator Richard Durbin of Illinois. I also have volunteered for several campaigns: Vallas for Governor 2000, John Edwards for President 2004, and Dan Hynes for U.S. Senate 2004. I attended the College Democrat Convention in Boston (2004).Though I have worked for Democrats I am politically conservative. I plan to travel in 2008 to work for the reelection campaign of U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham.
Interests:  Military, Politics, reading, writing, Government
Blog Created:  Friday, 19 March 2004
Last Updated:  Sunday, 6 March 2005 - 8:43 AM CST
Blog Entries:  3

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